The 3 Biggest Challenges candidates face in an Interview

We did a Poll. We got the results. It was a split vote with no clear winner :)

Although I was hoping that one of the options would have a higher vote, indicating it was a clear winner (biggest challenge individuals face in the interview); in my heart, I probably knew the 3 challenges were pretty much equally a problem and the results would probably average out – which is exactly what happened.

As part of the Cracking Job Interview series of articles, I conducted a poll to identify the biggest challenges that job seekers face during interviews.

The top three challenges were
(1) expressing oneself,
(2) recalling events when asked, and
(3) articulating why one is a good fit for the role.

Each of those options/challenges got around 30% votes indicating a near tie in the results.

Challenge 1: Expressing oneself One of the biggest challenges during job interviews is expressing oneself effectively. You have a short window of time to showcase yourself (literally as a product+service) which the interviewer has to evaluate. What you say and How you say determines how the assessment will pan out. You have to be Efficient in expressing yourself - no long boring winding stories of your life You have to be Effective in expressing yourself - talk relevant, to the point, no wasted words

Challenge 2: Recalling events when asked Another challenge that job seekers often face is difficulty in recalling the ‘right’ events/incidents when asked or while responding to specific questions. It's a common struggle to remember the best possible examples of your past work experience, especially if you're feeling nervous or anxious. And people end up talking about what they remember first. It is important to prepare specific examples of your past work experience that demonstrate your specific skills and abilities. This will help you recall events more easily during the interview and you will be able to pick and choose the right story for the occasion.

Challenge 3: Articulating why you fit in The third challenge is difficulty in articulating WHY YOU are for the role. This will happen if you haven't researched the company and the position thoroughly. You will not be able to relate your skills and experience to the role during the interview leaving the interviewer to conclude otherwise. It is super important to read the JD for the role and read up a bit more about the role in general. Also, research the company and the context of the role in the company. Think about how your own skills and experience match up with these requirements and prepare specific examples that demonstrate your fit for the role. During my one-to-one coaching for job interviews, I work extensively with candidates on the aspect of preparation for the interview. Creating a story bank and fine-tuning the stories to match the requirement is a key preparation. This helps the candidate in being better equipped to articulate their responses during the interview.

In conclusion, job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with preparation and practice, you can overcome the challenges of expressing yourself, recalling events when asked, and articulating why you fit in. My job interview series of articles is articulated to provide you with the triggers and steps along with the guidance you need to succeed in your next job interview. My job interview coaching is designed to thoroughly prepare individuals for saying the right things at the right time with the intent of maximum positive impact during the interview. It is about not leaving anything to chance but Take Charge of the Interview and Driving it rather than being simply driven around by the interviewer. I have worked with individuals across levels and more recently with senior management individuals aiming for the top-job / CXO positions.


Hemant Jain, a seasoned professional life coach and corporate growth coach, helps teams, organisations, and people reach their full potential for development and success. Additionally, he provides behavioural training programmes and counselling for organisational change management.


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