Hemant Jain is a Professional Life Coach and a Business Growth Coach, an Amazon Best Seller Author, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Change Mgmt Consultant with 20+ years of diverse global experience.

Keynote Speaker Workshops Coaching

Hemant bring together his 20 years of management consulting experience into his coaching and training programs for maximum impact and relevance. His experience of working with the cross section of the leading organizations, especially with senior / top management, helps refine the training and coaching programs for ambitious professionals.

One Hour Keynote

The keynote address aims to motivate individuals and teams to kick-start their journey of transformation and set them on the path to achieve success like never before. Best for annual meets or townhall meetings. A typical keynote is 40 min talk and 20 min Q&A/engagement.

Don’t Be Yourself

You must have heard the sage advice of “Be Yourself” all your life. Its great advice and has its value … but where has it got you? Have you achieved your dreams? Have you achieved success?
Its time you tried different.

What’s your Pole Star?

The Pole Star was the Google Maps of yesteryears – well, sort of. It did not show the way but gave an indication of direction at night and the travelers had to figure out the path all by themselves with the limited tools and knowledge they had as well as knowledge transferred to them by others.

Hands-On Transformational Workshops – Half or Full Day

A hands-on workshop is where the rubber hits the road. The participants not only learn a new approach but immediately put it into action for concrete results and transformation.

Leadership Alignment / Vision Alignment Workshop

The vision of the organization is the most powerful element of the organizations growth strategy. Often, it is also the most neglected one.
If all the cogs of the wheel are aligned to singular purpose of moving forward, nothing can stop it progress. The alignment workshop is to get everyone aligned to the vision / mission of the organization. It ends with the entire leadership team being aligned and each leader having a clear action plan for aligning their teams on the same.
A powerful action-oriented workshop which sets the foundation of success of an organization.

Take Charge

The name says it all. A hands-on workshop to kick-start your journey of taking charge of your life. No gyan, No motivational talk, No fluff whatsoever (You can stop us if you smell bull-shit).
In this intensive workshop, we get cracking from the word go and not rest until you have what it takes to achieve what you want. Using the 9-step Take Charge framework, you take get into the driving seat and steer your goals to success.
A powerful action-oriented workshop where participants create their action plan for success.

Think Beyond SMART Goals - Goal Setting to Goal Achieving

TWe all know about SMART Goals. We have been trained on them. We set them every year and have our varied success track record with them. It’s a part of our corporate life.
We need to get better with SMART goals – defining them in way that they are built to succeed and then go ahead and build the ecosystem for their success (and our own success).

The Balancing Act – Wheel of Life

Do you crave balance between work and personal life? And what if I told you that you wouldn’t be happy even if you achieve that balance since your life is still unbalanced.
Discover the simplest yet the most powerful self-development tool out there in the universe. (Yeah, I know I am exaggerating but trust me its true).
In this intensive workshop, you will create an action plan to bring balance in your life for greater happiness, fulfillment and joy.

Story Telling – An essential communication skill

You still remember the stories you heard in first grade but forget the key communication from the leadership during the annual townhall or the crucial points from the presentation last week.
Bring storytelling to your organization’s communication – be it a team briefing, business case presentation, annual conference or the CXO townhall. A message delivered using an impactful story telling technique remains in memory for long and has ever lasting impression.

Present with Panache – Transforming your presentations

The powerpoint slides have become synonymous to corporate presentations. Everytime someone needs to make a ‘presentation’, they fire up MS Powerpoint … and that may be the single biggest factor which has been killing corporate presentations giving rise to terms like ‘Death by Powerpoint’.
Discover the right way of creating your presentations (with the powerpoint / PPT coming in much later in the pecking order). Change the focus of presentations to Impact and Decision making rather than ‘sharing information’.


Coaching sessions delivered online in small groups aim at transformation of the individual by taking them on a journey of self-awareness and self-assessment and enabling them to find the answers within themselves.

Team Coaching Program

The Life Coaching framework applied to individuals in a team and while doing so, the context of the team established in alignment with their personal lives.
As the personal and professional goals begin to align, the results is better performance to achieve results faster. The key to great results is in the alignment of self, the team and the organizational goals. The elements of working effectively in teams is engraved in the coaching journey.
The objective of the Team Coaching is to create a very high level of bonding within the team and align them to the common vision of the team, department, function and organization.

Manager Effectiveness Coaching Program

A comprehensive coaching program for first time managers struggling with their own transition from playing solo to managing a team. The program covers 20+ key areas of the manager’s skill set quiver and takes the Manager (and even the would-be managers) through the awareness-to-discovery continuum of personal development.
Spanning a period of 9 months with almost 30 sessions; beyond the sessions facilitated by Coach Hemant, there will be leadership involvement too in terms of coaching and inspiring the Managers.
The coaching approach will be taken where the individual is made aware of the skills needed, their own self-assessment of the skill and how can they develop the skill over a period of time. The program will not follow the typical ‘training approach’ of giving information and knowledge to participants; instead focus will be on exploration and learning journey by self and collective wisdom of the masterminds.

Important Note on Workshops:

Action Workshops will be aligned to the Organizational context (vision, mission, goals, targets, learning objectives and training needs analysis etc.) and will need involvement from senior leadership.
The workshops can emphasize key behavioral competencies that HR team identify or those aligned to the Behavioral competency matrix for the organization.
The involvement of client HR team and Leadership during the design and implementation of the workshop is crucial to the successful attainment of the desired outcome.
The workshops design can be modified to a half-day or a full-day format – considering Leadership involvement as well as level of detail that the participants need to get to during the workshop